First Home Buyers Club Blog

7 Tips To Help You Save For Your First Home Deposit

We understand that saving for a deposit can be one of the biggest hurdles for first home buyers, and that's why The First Home Buyers Club is here to lend a helping hand.

First things first though, you need to have an idea of how much money you spend weekly as well as how much you need to save for your first home deposit. Having a specific target to work towards will help keep you motivated and focused. Pick a number, set a timeframe, and then get busy saving!  

We’d like to share with you some ways you can make saving easier and hopefully reach your savings target quicker than you expected!

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3 tips for buying your first home this year

No doubt 2023 is set to be another interesting year for first home buyers seeking to get into their first home.  Generally experts are predicting that the subdued housing market conditions are likely to continue.  Our suggestion for first home buyers is to work on areas that help them get closer to being ready for a home loan pre-approval.

So here are our 3 tips to help you get closer to your goal of owning your first home:

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Kainga Ora First Home Partner Program

Lesley Harris our media director, is driven by making a difference to provide first home buyers with one place to find tools, information and advice to assist first home buyers in the property market. She is passionate about giving back to New Zealand and using her voice to pave the way for a more positive future for our children. Lesley had the opportunity to sit down with Martha Williams from Kainga Ora recently and found out more about the new  First Home Partner program. This is a fantastic option to help first home buyers into their first homes and well worth finding out more.


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First Home Deposit Sorted

I've Got My First Home Deposit Sorted, What Should I Do Next?

You‘ve done the hard yards, you’ve scrimped and saved, and you cautiously think you’re ready to move to the next stage of buying your first home! High Fives by the way, you have just achieved the most difficult milestone of the journey, and you’ve stayed the distance. We know how hard you’ve worked and now the fun part begins! But where to from here?  

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Legal Toolkit: The Importance Of A Will

The team at Schnauer & Co's have put together a resource toolkit to highlight some of the common misconceptions that some first home buyers have and provide you with tips on how to avoid some easy mistakes when buying your first home. Our expert tips will be presented over six easy to read articles, and they are all designed to help you achieve your goal of homeownership in NZ. 

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Legal Toolkit: Purchasing A Property At Auction

The team at Schnauer & Co's have put together a resource toolkit to highlight some of the common misconceptions that some first home buyers have and provide you with tips on how to avoid some easy mistakes when buying your first home. Our expert tips will be presented over six easy to read articles, and they are all designed to help you achieve your goal of homeownership in NZ. 

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Legal Toolkit: The Bank of Mum and Dad – Loans vs Gifts

The team at Schnauer & Co's have put together a resource toolkit to highlight some of the common misconceptions that some first home buyers have and provide you with tips on how to avoid some easy mistakes when buying your first home. Our expert tips will be presented over six easy to read articles, and they are all designed to help you achieve your goal of homeownership in NZ. 

In the first 2 parts of the series, we discussed the solicitor approval condition and the process to follow when you are not able to satisfy conditions in the agreement for sale and purchase.

In this Part 3, we will highlight the differences between a loan from parents vs a gift from parents (AKA the bank of Mum and Dad).

As always we recommend getting good independent legal advice.

Don't forget to take advantage of Schnauer & Co's First Home Buyer Member Offer for a free 60 minute consultation.

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